Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Family Is One Of The Most Important Values - 1236 Words
I believe family is one of the most important values, especially for a person that comes from a shattered family like mine. From the first minutes of life, a child depends on their parents and family members for protection, love, and support. Parents and siblings are a child s first relationships, which normally creates an important foundation for a framework of values. Siblings frequently teach each other, help one another, and share life lessons; therefore family provides a background for individual growth. Parents are usually a child’s first educators, and regularly act as example in how to act and how to perceive the world. Although I grew up in a problematic environment, I did have a strong relationship with my parents. I remember my father caring for me; I have memories of us preparing lunch in the kitchen together. My father not only dedicated me quality time, but also made me feel safe and loved. The world is a scary place, and children are the most vulnerable to terr ible situations, that’s why parents have the responsibility to protect their children. Anywhere we went, I always felt like nothing could happen to me because I had my dad. The feeling of belongingness, love and support also plays an important role in the development of a child. After my parent’s separation, my mother was my support system. She took the role of a mother, father and best friend. When we moved to America, She worked hard to make sure I had clean clothes, and food on the table. SheShow MoreRelatedMexican Culture929 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristics between the two cultures are values, beliefs, and important objects. I was born and spent 24 years living in Mexico so I can say that Mexico has many traditions and ideals in its culture and the three are consider very significant in this culture like values, beliefs, and important objects. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Report on the Capacity Management Strategy
Question: Describe about the Report on the Capacity Management Strategy of a Manufacturing Operation? Answer: Capacity Strategy Employed Manufacturing operation has been adopted for analysing the capacity strategy. The lead strategy has been followed as capacity strategy in the operation. The particular strategy has been applied in order to lure the consumers away from the competitors of the firm. The lead strategy helps the operation and business in decreasing lead time and enhancing service level (Slack, 2015). On the other hand, it is useful in planning cycle so that maximum value can be generated. Trading Hours The employment of lead strategy in the operation is effective in deciding trading hours for the business and employees. Moreover, period of time can be decided in order to open the business each day and during seasonal season. Normal Business Trading Hours Days Opening Time Closing Time Monday 9:30AM 6:30 PM Tuesday 9:30AM 6:30 PM Wednesday 9:30AM 6:30 PM Thursday 9:30AM 6:30 PM Friday 9:30AM 6:30 PM Saturday 9:30 AM 5:30 PM Sunday 9:30 AM 4:30 PM Seasonal Peak Time Trading Hours for Business Days Opening Time Closing Time Monday 9:30 AM 7:30 PM Tuesday 9:30 AM 7:30 PM Wednesday 9:30 AM 7:30 PM Thursday 9:30 AM 7:30 PM Friday 9:30 AM 7:30 PM Saturday 9:30 AM 8:30 PM Sunday 9:30 AM 8:30 PM Labour Deployment ACTIVITY SCHEDULE MONTHS LABOUR COST LABOUR HOURS MATERIAL COST TOTAL COST Analysis 0.46 3962 36 0 3962 Designing 0.25 3009 21 0 3009 Procurement 5.3 0 0 29500 29500 Construction 0.9 7969 79 0 7969 Testing 1.2 22898 223 0 22898 Training and Development 1.5 5600 24 0 5600 Distribution 0.7 11263 112 0 11263 Other 0 0 0 0 0 Total 10.31 54701 495 29500 84201 Ongoing Support 120.98 250497 2572 0 250497 Total Value 131.29 305198 3067 29500 334698 It can be observed that labours are deployed in different activities such as analysing, designing, procuring, constructing, testing, training, distribution and others. As a result, it helps the organisation in ensuring better production and manufacture of the product (Turner, 2014). However, the business has to bear costs too in order to engage labour at different positions. Indulging cost on labours help in generating better productivity from them and improving the operational process to add value to the business. Apart from that, different employment relations are also considered in their capacity strategy in order to enhance the operation of the business and gain valuable support from them. The different employment relations that are maintained by the operation are permanent employment, fixed term contracts, temporary employment contracts and internships (Krajewski, Malhotra and Ritzman, 2015). These employment relations are maintained in order to use their experience and skills for better capacity planning and improving the operation and business process. By doing so, it would help the business in meeting the demand of the customers and decreasing the impact of competitors. On the other hand, the employment relations would be effective in improving service level and products can be quickly delivered to the customers (Bozarth, and Handfield, 2015). Apart from that, the employment relation changes with the change in season. During low seasonal period, the business works mostly with the permanent employees as income of the business is low during such period (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014). Therefore, engaging other employees would increase the costs. However, the interns are considered so that their skills can be developed and known which would help the business in gaining experienced and productive employees later (Stadtler, 2015). On the contrary, the business operation considers engaging temporary employees on contract during high peak season as during peak season there is high demand for the product (Anderson et al. 2015). Therefore, it helps to ease the operation of the business in dealing with the customers and producing required level of output. Stock replenishment Cycle According to Peng, Peng and Chen (2014), replenishment relates to the movement of stock or inventory from product storage locations or upstream to shipment locations or storage from where the products are delivered to the customers. Therefore, in order to ensure a better stock replenishment, the business needs to engage key suppliers that can supply product in quick time without making huge gap between procurement and delivery. Moreover, it would be useful in retaining the customers and their demand will be effectively fulfilled (Fleischmann, Meyr and Wagner, 2015). The operation of the business will also improve and operation capacity will be no short of stock. Apart from that, in order to prepare stock replenishment cycle, following steps have to be followed; Up-to-date Inventory Data: The operational manager of the firm is engaged to maintain inventory data in the inventory management system or in computer system. It assists them to know the shortage in inventory level in the store or warehouse. Moreover, stock on hand is also known (Coombs, 2014). When it is known that there is requirement of stocks or replenish of stock products, then the suppliers of the firm are contacted. However, in order to reorder stock, lead time for the raw material or products have to be clearly understood beforehand otherwise it can lead to stock outs and customers may be disappointed as business would not be able to arrange product at right time (Dobrzykowski et al. 2014). Inventory Classification: Further, the inventory has to be classified in order to make pre-arrangement of list of the products that are to be reordered or replenished. The items that are obsolete are no further re-ordered and the products that are very much in demand are preferred (Fehske et al. 2014). Therefore, whole inventory is classified so that lead time can be managed in receiving the stock and unpacking it for sale purpose. Engage Suppliers: The suppliers to which the business is associated are distributors and wholesalers. They are taken in account as they provide required resources such as raw materials, other products and also help in distribution of products to the retailers (Esmaeilikia et al. 2014). By engaging suppliers in right time the business able to acquire required materials in right time before they fall short. This helps in meeting the demand of the customers. Apart from that, in order to understand the frequency of ordering, the business has to know the total orders that have been made over the period and their unique customers over the period (Mafakheri, and Nasiri, 2014). For instance, if total orders are 5000 and unique customers are 2000, then frequency of ordering will be 2.5 times. Therefore, the customers of the business order products 2.5 times in a given time frame. Further, for knowing the time in order to reorder, the business understands the time between the purchases. Therefore, 365 days is divided by frequency of ordering. For instance, if frequency of ordering is 2.5, then 365 will be divided by 2.5 which will provide 146 days. Therefore, the business needs to reorder the product every after 146 days. On the other hand, the lead times can be also managed from order to delivery. For instance, if the business assumes that the demand will be 20 units each day and business lead time is 40 days, then the lead time between order and delivery will be 800 units (Rushton, Croucher and Baker, 2014). Appropriateness of the capacity strategy The lead strategy used by the manufacturing operation is appropriate in figuring out their capacity in order to fill the shifting demands for their products. As a result, it is useful in not letting to face inefficiency in their operation and capacity. Apart from that, it can also be mentioned that resources are efficiently utilized after adopting lead strategy into their operation (Cigolini et al. 2014). The business is able to know the lower down the time between acquiring unfinished products and delivery of finished products to the consumers or retailers or wholesalers. However, the existing or earlier operational system was not that appropriate as manufacturing operation was not able to correctly forecast the requirements of raw materials or products requirement in right time. Due to that, the manufacturing operation was not able to open long for the customers. Moreover, the demands of the consumers were not able to fulfil on the right time. It likely increases the chance of shif ting of customers to other available alternatives. Therefore, it hit the manufacturing operation which impacts on the earnings and image of the company. It has been seen that due to problem in the operation and capacity strategy, an Alice boot manufacture firm in UK suffered decline in customers to approx 14% in a particular period (Slack, 2015). As a result, of that the firm has to make necessary adjustments to their trading hours and improving capacity zone. Chart 1: Change in Customer demand due to ineffective operational system Further, it can be mentioned that the situation that aroused in the form of opening business for short hours, over staffs and under stock can be remedied. In order to resolve the trading hour issue, the business needs to decrease lead time by forecasting the required product requirements before the sale out of last item from the store shelf. It will help in arranging the product all the time which will make customers to buy the products from the stores and moreover, the business can be able to fulfil the demand of the consumers. On the other hand, in case of over staff, the manufacturing operation has to incur staff on temporary or contract basis so that they can be called during the peak season or hours where the demand is high. As a result, the operation can assign significant roles to staffs such as dealing with procuring materials and products from suppliers, monitoring available of products or items in the business for sale, time for re-ordering, etc. Therefore, it will help the business in effectively managing the lead time and ensuring better operation internally (Krajewski, Malhotra and Ritzman, 2015). Moreover, the business would be successful in meeting the demand of customers on regular intervals without falling short of stocks. Furthermore, the issue of under stock can also be sorted out by keeping record of stocks in inventory management system. It is effective in tracking the level of stocks available in the business. As a result of that, the manufacturing operation would know beforehand the requirements of stocks for the purpose of production and distribution of product and services to the customers. Moreover, the risk of loss can also be minimised due to effect of under stock. Apart from that, due to under position of resources such as set up times or machine clean time, the manufacturing operation can face several consequences. Due to such issue, the business would find problem in production of product in due time. On the other hand, the cost of operation would increase as the business would have to incur more time in cleaning machine which will further increase the lead time between production and delivery of products to the final users or distributors of products (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014). Furthermore, due to shortage of resources, the manufacturing operation would result to wastage in order to produce goods for meeting the increasing demands which will too add the costs on the business. However, it can be mentioned that employment types that has been engaged by the manufacturing operation is appropriately placed. The operation would be able to enhance their operation and the issues and problem in lead time can be solved. On the other hand, the manufacturing operation should not indulge more contract employees as it will increase the costs which can impact on the earning of the business (Anderson et al. 2015). Apart from that, it can be discussed that employing lead capacity strategy is effective and efficient along with economical. It will help the manufacturing operation in lowering down the stock-out costs be decreasing lead time. Therefore, the manufacturing operation would be able to arrange the required materials in right time and thus fulfilling the demand of the consumers. Moreover, the increasing demand of the buyers can be effectively managed and waste in production can be efficiently managed. Thus, the manufacturing would be able to generate high value wit h least cost. References Anderson, D., Sweeney, D., Williams, T., Camm, J., and Cochran, J. (2015).An introduction to management science: quantitative approaches to decision making. Cengage Learning. Bozarth, C. C., and Handfield, R. B. (2015).Introduction to operations and supply chain management. Prentice Hall. Cigolini, R., Pero, M., Rossi, T., and Sianesi, A. (2014). Linking supply chain configuration to supply chain perfrmance: A discrete event simulation model.Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,40, 1-11. Coombs, W. T. (2014).Ongoing crisis communication: Planning, managing, and responding. Sage Publications. Dobrzykowski, D., Deilami, V. S., Hong, P., and Kim, S. C. (2014). A structured analysis of operations and supply chain management research in healthcare (19822011).International Journal of Production Economics,147, 514-530. Esmaeilikia, M., Fahimnia, B., Sarkis, J., Govindan, K., Kumar, A., and Mo, J. (2014). Tactical supply chain planning models with inherent flexibility: definition and review.Annals of Operations Research, 1-21. Fehske, A., Klessig, H., Voigt, J., and Fettweis, G. (2014). Flow-level models for capacity planning and management in interference-coupled wireless data networks.Communications Magazine, IEEE,52(2), 164-171. Fleischmann, B., Meyr, H., and Wagner, M. (2015). Advanced planning. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 71-95). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Hill, C., Jones, G., and Schilling, M. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Krajewski, L. J., Malhotra, M. K., and Ritzman, L. P. (2015).Operations management: processes and supply chains. Prentice Hall. Mafakheri, F., and Nasiri, F. (2014). Modeling of biomass-to-energy supply chain operations: Applications, challenges and research directions.Energy Policy,67, 116-126. Peng, M., Peng, Y., and Chen, H. (2014). Post-seismic supply chain risk management: A system dynamics disruption analysis approach for inventory and logistics planning.Computers and Operations Research,42, 14-24. Rushton, A., Croucher, P., and Baker, P. (2014).The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Turner, J. R. (2014).The handbook of project-based management(Vol. 92). McGraw-hill.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Taj Mahal an Example by
Taj Mahal by Expert Lilliana | 26 Dec 2016 The Taj Mahal was built under Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The structure was designed by Ustad Ahmad Lahuari and completed in 1648. The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum located in Angra, India. This structure is widely regarded as the finest example of Mughal architecture, and combines elements from Persian, Turkish, Indian, and Islamic architectural styles. The Taj Mahal became a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site in 1983. UNESCO stated that the Taj Mahal is the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the worlds heritage (UNESCO, 2008). The white domed marble and tile mausoleum is the most recognizable structure in the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal consists of an integrated symmetric of complex structures. Need essay sample on "Taj Mahal" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Our Customers Frequently Tell EssayLab professionals:I'm don't want to write my essay. Because I don't have the timeProfessional writers propose: Professionals Are Creating Successful College Custom Essays!Buy College Essays Online Get Paid To Write Papers For Students How to Write Good Assignments Cheap Custom Essays Although Ustad Ahmad Lahauri is highly regarded as the main designer for the Taj Mahal, many other designers contributed to this complex architectural structure. The main dome designer was Ismail Afandi, who was considered a premier dome and hemisphere designer during the Ottoman Empire. Puru from Benarus has been cited as one of the supervising architects. The gold finial was cast by Qazim Khan, who was a native of Lahore. The chief sculptor and mosaicist was Chiranjilal, who was a lapidary from Delhi. The chief calligrapher was Amanat Khan from Shiraz, Iran. Khans name is inscribed at the end of the inscription on the Taj Mahal gateway. The supervisor for the masons was Muhammad Hanif. Mir Abdul and Mukkarimat Khan, both from Shiraz, Iran, supervised the finances and the management of daily production (PBS, 2008). Due to the limited technology of the time, the Taj Mahal took over twenty years to complete. The plinth and tomb took over twelve years to complete, and the remaining structures took an additional ten years to complete. Even though the mausoleum was completed by 1643, work continued on the remaining structures of the Taj Mahal. The estimated total cost of creating this structure is 32 million rupees which converts to trillions of dollars in modern times (Zahor & Haq, 1997). Materials and workers from all over Asia were used in the construction of the Taj Mahal. Over twenty thousand workers were recruited from across Northern India to assist in the construction of this incredible structure. Over 1,000 elephants were used to transport building materials. The materials used in construction of the Taj Mahal were translucent white marble from Rajasthan, jasper from Punjab, jade and crystal from China, turquoise from Tibet, lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, sapphire from Sri Lanka, and carnelian from Arabia. There were twenty eight precious stones inlaid into the white marble (Chaghtai, 1938). The main structure of the Taj Mahal is the large, white marble Tomb. The tomb is of Persian origin, and is a symmetrical building consisting of an iwan, or an arch-shaped doorway, topped with a large white dome. The base of the tomb is a cube with chamfered edges and is 55 meters on each side. A massive vaulted archway frames the iwan. Additional archways are stacked above and below on either side of the main archway. The design of the tomb is completely symmetrical on all sides. The marble dome is the most spectacular architectural element of the tomb. The dome is decorated with a lotus design in order to accentuate its height. There are four smaller domes called chattris on all sides of the main dome. Tall decorative spires extend from the base walls to accentuate the height of each chattri. The lotus design is repeated on the spires and the chattris. The main dome is topped with a gilded spire and the chattris are topped with a gilded finial, which during the 1600s was made out of gold (Koch, 2006). The exterior of the Taj Mahal consists of decorative elements. These decorative elements were created by the use of stucco, stone inlays, and carvings. The calligraphy on the exterior of the Taj Mahal was created by Amanat Khan, who also signed several of the panels. The calligraphy was crated by using jasper inlaid into white marble panels. Abstract art forms grace the exterior walls of the Taj Mahal, and were created by tracery and incised painting in order to create geometric forms. Vegetative motifs can be found on the lower walls of the tomb. The white marble dados were sculpted to portray realistic flowers and vines (Koch, 2006). The Taj Mahal is surrounded by 300 meters of a Mughal Garden. The garden has raised pathways piding each of the four quarters of the garden. Each quarter consists of 16 sunken flowerbeds. There is a raised marble water fountain at the center of the garden, which sits halfway between the gateway and the tomb. On the North-South axis there is also a reflecting pool which reflects the image of the Taj Mahal (Begley, 1979). The interior of the Taj Mahal consists of inlays of precious and semiprecious gemstones, which goes beyond the traditional decorative elements of the time. The interior of the inner chamber is shaped like an octagon with walls that are 5 meters high and topped by a false dome that is decorated with a sun motif. There are eight phistaq arches each topped with and second phistaq midway up the wall, mirroring the architectural design of the exterior walls. Balconies or viewing areas are created by the four central phistaqs and each balcony consists of a window that has been cut into the marble. The majority of the surfaces in the interior of the Taj Mahal have been inlaid with precious or semiprecious stones in extremely intricate detail and replicate flowers and vines (Koch, 2006). By the late 19th century the Taj Mahal had fallen into disrepair. In 1857, the British troops defaced the Taj Mahal by chiseling out the some of its precious stones. Lord Cruzon, a British viceroy, ordered a massive restoration project on the structure which was completed in 1908. The Taj Mahal came under threat of defacement again in 1942, 1965, and 1971, but scaffoldings were erected in order to mislead bomber pilots (Allan, 1958). Today the Taj Mahal receives 2 to 4 million visitors every year and is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World (Koch, 2006). Works Cited Allan, John. The Cambridge Shorter History of India. (1958). Cambridge. S. Chand Begley, Wayne E. The Myth of the Taj Mahal and a New Theory of Its Symbolic Meaning. The Art Bulletin Volume 61 (2007). Chaghtai, Muhammad Abdullah. Le Tadj Mahal d Agra (Inde). Histore et description. (1938). Brussels Editions de la Connaissance Koch, Ebba. The Complete Taj Mahal: And the Riverfront Gardens of Agra. (2006). Thames & Hudson Ltd. Treasures of the World. Taj Mahal. (2008). Retrieved on March 27, 2008 from: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Le Taj Mahal. (2008). Retrieved on March 27, 2008 from: Zahoor, Dr. A., & Haq, Dr. Z. Taj Mahal, Mausoleum of Mumtaz MahalI. (1997). Retrieved on March 27, 2008 from:
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