Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Family Is One Of The Most Important Values - 1236 Words
I believe family is one of the most important values, especially for a person that comes from a shattered family like mine. From the first minutes of life, a child depends on their parents and family members for protection, love, and support. Parents and siblings are a child s first relationships, which normally creates an important foundation for a framework of values. Siblings frequently teach each other, help one another, and share life lessons; therefore family provides a background for individual growth. Parents are usually a child’s first educators, and regularly act as example in how to act and how to perceive the world. Although I grew up in a problematic environment, I did have a strong relationship with my parents. I remember my father caring for me; I have memories of us preparing lunch in the kitchen together. My father not only dedicated me quality time, but also made me feel safe and loved. The world is a scary place, and children are the most vulnerable to terr ible situations, that’s why parents have the responsibility to protect their children. Anywhere we went, I always felt like nothing could happen to me because I had my dad. The feeling of belongingness, love and support also plays an important role in the development of a child. After my parent’s separation, my mother was my support system. She took the role of a mother, father and best friend. When we moved to America, She worked hard to make sure I had clean clothes, and food on the table. SheShow MoreRelatedMexican Culture929 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristics between the two cultures are values, beliefs, and important objects. I was born and spent 24 years living in Mexico so I can say that Mexico has many traditions and ideals in its culture and the three are consider very significant in this culture like values, beliefs, and important objects. 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